Three Rivers Paranormal Society

Investigation Tools
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Data Gathering Devices
  • Digital Camera: Standard Digital Cameras with features such as zoom, night vision, panoramic views. Used for still photos.
  • 35mm Camera: Standard 35mm Camera. Used for photos and negatives.
  • Digital Voice Recorder: Used for EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomenon). and audio notes.
  • Analogue Voice Recorder: Standard iron oxide tape recorder. Used for EVP.
  • EMF/Gauss Meter: A meter that measures magnetic fields. Standard tool for electricians. Used to find surges in magnetic fields.
  • Compass: Standard hand-held compass. Used for magnetic field detection,
  • Audio Amplifier: Tool often used by hunters (Woodland Whisper). Used to increase volume and recognizability from distances.
  • Plasma Ball: Recognizable as "Static Electricity Balls". Used to detect surges in static electricity.
  • Digital Thermometer: Standard digital thermometer.  Used for temperature readings and to find fluxuations in temperatures.
  • Infared Thermometer: Non-contact infared thermometer. Used to instantly find temperatures and fluxuations.
  • Hygrometer: Standard tool to guage humidity. Used to find fluxuations in humidity.
  • Gravity Glass: A device used to show the effects of gravity. A sand-filled hourglass is suspended in a liquid-filled glass cylinder. When the cylinder is flipped, the sand within the hourglass moves down while the hourglass itself floats up. Used to find abnormal fluxuations in gravity.
  • Faraday Cage: A small box made to block  all radio and electromagnetic interference. Used to get true EVP that does not come from outside sources (radios, towers, computers, microwaves, etc).


Info at a Glance

Atmospheric Conditions
Solar X-rays:

Geomagnetic Field:


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