Three Rivers Paranormal Society

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Paranormal WebSites, TV and Radio
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Active Members

TRPS is currently accepting applications for new members. No experience is necessary, only a desire to investigate and conduct serious research in the field of Paranormal Studies, to help others, and towards the advancement of the field. We are looking for researchers, investigators, and techs. Email us your name, phone number and/or email address to: and a team member will get back to you ASAP.

TRPS Mission Statement:

To develop a staff that is knowledgeable and demonstrates high ethical standards in it's research and investigations in the field of psychic / paranormal phenomena and experiences. This organization is one that is compassionate and open to those who seek answers and help. Team T.R.P.S. is a group that everyone can feel confident in receiving credible, knowledgeable and experienced staff.

It is a major goal that our staff is professional and maintains strict confidentiality with our clients and in our public relations. Our staff is expected to hold high ethical and moral standards in all aspects of this field.

To create Guidelines for Working with and Mentoring those interested in learning how to conduct appropriate field research and investigations. Provide mentoring/internship situations and eventual educational programs.


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